Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


Connecticut Basement Systems Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.

Average Customer Ratingsout of 3260 Total Reviews

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Our Service Person's Diagnosis
Our Service Work
The Cleanup Process
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After the initial introductions, I had mentioned to Bobby that I would stay out of his way so he could work. Bobby en...

From beginning to end, all work went as planned.

The idea of such a big and expensive project was very stressfull, but everyone I dealt with from beginning to end was...

The foreman was neat and polite, the whole crew worked hard all day. The job was done in one day as promised. The for...

rocky road but pleased with the results! Thank you!

The idea of such a big and expensive project was very stressful, but everyone I dealt with from beginning to end was ...

Since a lot of the concrete had to be broken, there was dust all over the place. The crew did a fair job covering, bu...

they forgot to place a doorway end piece. had to come back

The entire process was easy and customer friendly. The work crew took efforts to minimize dust and household disrupti...

Daniel came in and inspected and cleaned our sump pump. Very nice and he did a good job.

Connecticut Basement Systems Average: 4.9 out of 5
Total Reviews: 3259