Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


Connecticut Basement Systems Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.

Average Customer Ratingsout of 3260 Total Reviews

Our Service Person
Our Service Person's Diagnosis
Our Service Work
The Cleanup Process
Our Installation Crew
Call Representative


we have had a long relationship with your company and we have been completely satisfied with your products and servic...

The person who answered the call was very helpful connecting me to Chris from service. He tried his best to help me fix...


Professional, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly.

Service person has been here for some years - he is excellent.

Cory very nice and got some one to come by. not that it made any difference though

Prince was excellent. Could you please ask him to resend the invoice/paid receipt for service? Thank you

Connecticut Basement Systems Average: 4.9 out of 5
Total Reviews: 3259