Basement Waterproofing in CT
Our premier sump pump, the TripleSafe sump pump comes with a total of three pumps. The first pump turns on when water comes in and pumps out 2,220 gallons of water per hour. The second pump turns on if the first can't handle the water and pumps out an additional 3,900 gallons of water per hour. If the power goes out then the third pump turns on with the help of a back up battery and is able to pump out 11,500 gallons of water.

Basement Waterproofing in Stamford, CT
Before we came in and waterproofed the home, it was clear to see that water was pooling in the basement and damaging not only the floors but the walls also.

Basement Vapor Barrier in CT
Our CleanSpace vapor barrier stops the passage of air into the basement, which will lower the humidity in the area. Lowering the amount of humidity in the basement also reduces the chances of having the musty fould smell in the basement.

Basement Vapor Barrier in Stamford, CT
Before we installed our vapor barrier the paint was peeling which made the basement extremely unappealing and a real eye sore.

Basement Waterproofing in Stamford, CT
The TrenchDrain system we installed will be catching any water that tries to make its way in the basement, and carries it into the sump pump and then out of the home.

Basement French Drain Systems in CT
It is clear to see that the home had a big opening in the basement door which was allowing water into the home.

Basement French Drain System Stamford, CT
Our WaterGuard french drain system is the most advance drain system in the world. The patented design is layed just above the foundation footing to prevent clogging.

Basement Waterproofing in CT
Before we came out to waterproof the home, the floor and walls were extremely damaged with mildew and moisture.