Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


The 3 Pumps that make this System Triple Safe

Does your sump need to be replaced? Do you cringe at just the site of it? Well you are not alone. Many homeowners have insufficient sump pumps that are not properly discharging water away from their home. Connecticut Basement Systems has the ultimate solution for any sump pumps needs with our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. 

What makes the TripleSafe Sump Pump System Different? 

Most sump pumps fail because of either a failed pump, a pump that can’t handle high volumes of water or power failure. What makes the TripleSafe Sump Pump different from other sump pumps is its unique 3 pump system. A unique “figure eight” design allows all three pumps to fit perfectly in a single sump liner.   

The 3 Pumps that make this System Triple Safe - Image 1

The 3 Pumps that make this System Triple Safe

Pump 1: a heavy-duty 1/3 horsepower cast iron Zoller pump that does most of the pumping, handling up to 2,600 gallons of water per hour.

Pump 2: a ½ horsepower pump that operates automatically if Pump 1 fails if greater pumping volume is needed. (up to 6,200 gallons per hour)

Pump 3: a battery-operated pump that turns on automatically if power fails.  

There are a lot of options of to consider when choosing a sump pump to fit your needs. The TripleSafe Sump Pump includes an alarm, watertight cover and check valve. 

In conclusion, the benefits of the TripleSafe Sump Pump includes…

  • Three-pump system adjusts automatically to meet pumping requirements
  • Battery-powered pump protects from flooding during power outages
  • Removable, airtight lid reduces noises and allows for easy inspection/service

Interested in the TripleSafe Sump Pump? Give us a call for a FREE estimate to have one placed in your basement! 1-800-261-3693