Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


Bowing Walls: What Does It Mean and What Can You Do?

Your foundation walls are bowing, buckling or showing signs of inward movement.


Here are some signs that this may be related to a more serious issue with your foundation:

  • Horizontal or stair-step cracking along the foundation walls
  • Diagonal cracking at corners of poured concrete foundation walls
  • Inward bowing or bulging of walls
  • Walls sliding inward along the bottom
  • Walls leaning in at the top
  • Wet, clay soils around the home along with damaged walls
  • Expansive clay soils present around the structure


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Foundation walls move inward for two main reasons: expansive soils and hydrostatic pressure on the walls from outside. The soil around your house puts pressure on the foundation walls. The amount of pressure varies and depends on:

  • The type of soil around the foundation
  • The amount of moisture in the soil
  • How far underground the foundation is
  • The temperature conditions

Hydrostatic pressure, expansive clay soil and even frost can put enough pressure on the foundation to cause the walls to lean or even collapse. Gutters and downspouts can also contribute significantly by allowing large volumes of water to collect in the soil around your home. If this roof runoff is not directed away from your foundation, the soil around the foundation will become heavier and more expansive as its saturated with water.


Our Connecticut Basement System’s foundation specialists recommend installing Geo-Lock Wall Anchors along the bowing walls. This unit’s clamping pressure will stabilize and restore the wall. In cases where this type of wall anchor won’t work, we can also install the PowerBrace Wall System or the Carbon Armor Wall System.


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Whatever your concern, it’s important to have a Foundation Repair Specialist look at your home and determine exactly what is causing your problem. We offer free, personal consultations to help you decide which repair solution is right for you. Each consultation includes an on-site inspection and free written estimate.